Sunday, March 23, 2008

latest adventure

well my buddies and I decided to pack up the sleds Thursday night and head down towards Paxson, AK (Tangle Lakes) in high hopes of catching some lake trout. Good thing this wasn't a survival trip where you only eat what you catch because my buddy Bill was the only one to bring a fish to hand and that wasn't enough to go around! Needless to say we still had an awesome time on the sleds. On the 25 mile ride in on the sleds we saw a lynx sun bathing on a frozen river, a heard of Caribou, a lake trout through the ice, and the northern lights.

As we were heading back to camp from the ice shanty the Aurora made an appearance for only a few minutes and I was able to snap off a few shots. Don't be fooled this picture was taken a little after midnight.

Bill with his first Lake Trout. She taped out at 18"
Winston will be 1 yr old this May. This was from our latest rabbit hunt
picture of Bill on his sled

Here is a picture of some caribou we saw on the way in. Most of the bulls have already dropped their antlers

No...thats not the sun its the moon. This picture was taken around midnight

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