Friday, October 19, 2007

Caribou Fever

After 3 long trips up the "Haul Road" aka the Dalton Highway I was able to bag my first big game animal in Alaska....the Caribou. Up on the Arctic Tundra the pipeline runs along the road and if you want to hunt with a firearm you have to do the dreadful 5 mile hike and keep your fingers crossed the Caribou will be there! Well, my buddy and I did the 5 mile hike and later that day after we walked about 10 miles we finally came across some that were in we put the sneak on em' and before they knew it the ole 300 ultra mag was sending one screaming down range! We ended up making two trips before the entire animal was packed out but once we made it back to the truck it was worth it.

But if I could change one thing about hunting up on the tundra it would be the "hippy heads" they are clumps of tundra about 10" high which makes every step an ankle twister...I'll post a picture so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about....but one things for sure and thats if I would have came home empty handed the old lady may not of let me go hunting again.....ha

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